You need to understand how to handle burnout.

You need to understand how to handle burnout. 

Have social gatherings, daily huddle gratitude practices, and "gold stars" failed to create your dream cohesive team? As a leader, do you find yourself working tirelessly on operational efficiencies, but wonder why you are still met with dejected and unhappy team members?

do you aspire to lead a team?

You're operationally efficient, but what about your people strategy?

You're operationally efficient, but what about your people strategy?

Your team members gossip, blame, and come to you in tears expecting you to solve their problems. Control is not effective in getting results.

You have a wellness committee, but the social gatherings are not leading to group cohesion. Team morale is low.

Your team can't have difficult conversations that are open and mutually respectful. A few loud voices crowd out a silent and disengaged majority.




culture is eating your strategy if

Medical leaders are challenged with supporting teams experiencing unprecedented levels of caregiver burnout and compassion fatigue.

This experiential workshop aims to help leaders uncover the few keystone practices that will help their teams transform themselves using practices from a coaching framework.

Participants will learn where their efforts will have the highest impact and when it makes more sense to involve other professionals.

You can learn to coach your team to success.

but guess what...


Brief overview of key habits that lead to thriving team cultures

First This

Work through two essential tools for creating a culture of safety: namely, shame resilience and recognizing empathic misses

Then this

Actionable tips to coach and empower team members (instead of fixing their problems)

then this

— dr. huma ali, emergency doctor

“Dawn provided excellent facilitation. There was psychological safety. There was a space for feelings and sharing of personal experiences.”

My name is Dr. Dawn Lim. I'm an emergency doctor, assistant professor of medicine, life coach, and visual storyteller. 

I specialize in burnout coaching for physicians. I have a lot of experience in helping physicians thrive in the shame based culture of medicine. 

Who am I?

Dr. Dawn lim
bsc md mba frcp